When you are an adult, playing games is something you do in your spare time. It helps you relax or keeps you entertained until you have something more important to do. However, when it comes to children, playing is important as much as anything else. It is crucial to a kid’s learning...
Print awareness is a component ofreading and writingthat we rarely think much about. Instead we tend to focus on the alphabet, spelling, or phonemes. But just as these concepts are essential for early literacy, so is print awareness. It’s one of the building blocks that helps children dev...
While poking, rolling, and squishing playdough,children develop the small muscles in their fingers and hands. ... Through these manipulations, children develop eye-hand coordination, the ability to match hand movement with eye movement. What is manipulative learning? In mathematics education, a mani...
10 reasons why we should let children play in the mud Did you know that playing in the mud is beneficial to children? 1. Playing in the mud can make you happier. Scientists have discovered something that children have always known - playing in the mud can lift your mood. Recent studies ...
So, whenever you want to do some fine motor skills activities with your child, ask yourself:"Which essential foundation is this activity working on?" If it is an activity merely for the sake of keeping busy, demanding skills that your child does not have, then you will both be frustrated...
creating the letters using playdough creating the letters using other objects such as buttons and rocks using large sidewalk chalk on cement.It’s important to continue to monitor students who are struggling with letter reversal.As mentioned earlier in the blog, it is a completely normal dev...
Sharon is the proud mom of three grown boys, a trained educator, and former children librarian. She draws on her years of experience as a parent and teacher to help parents to make the most of the time they have with their kids. You find her posts on rediscoveredfamiles.com...
Switching hands is often seen in young children, who may often swap hands while painting, coloring, or eating with a fork/spoon. It is not usually a concern when a toddler or young child swaps hands, as they are still learning how to use their hands well together, and trying out what ...