Engaging in fun activities with your child will not only help you better understand your little one’s interests, feelings and thoughts and help you easily communicate to him/her, but it will get your kid’s mind and body going. The best thing about playing with your kid is that you real...
So, whenever you want to do some fine motor skills activities with your child, ask yourself:"Which essential foundation is this activity working on?" If it is an activity merely for the sake of keeping busy, demanding skills that your child does not have, then you will both be frustrated....
creating the letters using playdough creating the letters using other objects such as buttons and rocks using large sidewalk chalk on cement.It’s important to continue to monitor students who are struggling with letter reversal.As mentioned earlier in the blog, it is a completely normal d...
Switching hands is often seen in young children, who may often swap hands while painting, coloring, or eating with a fork/spoon. It is not usually a concern when a toddler or young child swaps hands, as they are still learning how to use their hands well together, and trying out what ...