While the press coverage surrounding Lili’s remarkable weakening has largely faded into obscurity, I was able to find one surviving article from USA Today that captures the confusion in the storm’s aftermath: “Scientists Don’t Know Yet Why Lili Suddenly Collapsed.” Hurricane Lili showed forec...
One of the primary concerns is the looming threat of a credit rating downgrade. This threat arises largely from perceived weakening in the country's institutional frameworks, such as the erosion of judicial independence and potential interference with independent regulatory bodies. Such changes could ...
Their currency had been gradually weakening for a while, but at a reasonably stable pace. However, early 2018 was the breaking point for the currency, and it suddenly went from about 20 pesos to the dollar to 45 pesos to the dollar. It stabilized briefly a couple times, but had another ...
These recessionary forces emanating from the US and the rising dollar come on top of those created by the big real shocks. In Europe, above all, there is the way in which higher energy prices are simultaneously raising inflation and weakening real demand. Meanwhile, the determination of China’...