The end of British colonial rule birthed two sovereign nations—but hastily drawn borders caused simmering tensions to boil over. 75 years later, memories of Partition still haunt survivors.
India and Pakistan are countries in Asia. Pakistan was once part of India. When India gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1947, it was partitioned into two countries: India and Pakistan. This was done because Pakistan was to be a separate state for Muslims....
India, Pakistan Tell Why Talks Stumbled.Reveals why India and Pakistan failed to issue a joint statement on the disputed province of Kashmir.EBSCO_bspWall Street Journal Eastern Edition
2006 . “Why has the India-Pakistan Rivalry been So Enduring? Power Asymmetry and an Intractable Conflict.” Security Studies 15 (4): 600–630.Why has the India-Pakistan rivalry been so enduring? Power asymmetry and an intractable conflict', Security Studies 15(4):600-30....
In those days in Pakistan, there were limited choices: be-coming an engineer, a doctor or a financial worker. I wasn’t interested in engineering, so that I was left with medicine or business. I couldn’t decide.My uncle suggested that I do a work placement (实习) to experience ...
Why the India-Pakistan Crisis MattersWhy the India-Pakistan Crisis MattersThere has often been serious tension between India and Pakistan over the last 50 years, but concern about a shooting war between the two Southeast Asian ...
There are several reasons why India is a poor country. Some have historical roots and others derive strength from socio-political structures. Lack of effective governance and corruption has only sustained Indian poverty.
Even if the cotton production increases, Pakistan will still have to import long staple cotton that the textile industry needs to produce premium products. “Why is India’s cotton better than ours? Why do we import from India? Because we cannot produce long staple cotton as we have never ...
Why India and Pakistan should denuclearize and sign the Comprehensive Test Ban TreatyAlthough it was claimed that the Indian and Pakistani nuclear tests of May 1998 were greeted with popular jubilation in both countries, in reality they were followed by heightened fear and insecurity among many ...
Pakistan, for its part, has a new prime minister, Imran Khan, who was elected last year with the backing of his country’s powerful military. Khan wants to show that he can stand up to India, even as the country’s economy is so weak that he is seeking bailouts from Saudi Arabia ...