There's a real nail-biter going on in the fight for control in Virginia. The Associated Press has called 20 state Senate races for Democrats. They need one more for a majority, with four seats outstanding. And in the House, there are still 20 seats left to be called. It could be ...
Fast-forward a little under a half century later and we find an advertisement in the November of 1929Hearst International Magazinewhere an automobile is listed as coming standard with “Six wire wheels and a trunk rack”. The rear trunk rack eventually gave way to a built-in storage compartmen...
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation has an ambitious plan to stop the abortion crisis in our Commonwealth. Please join us in our efforts by visiting our new website: www.PAPROLIFE.ORG Join our mailing list Subscribe Now Connect with Us TEL: 717.525.8110 MAIL: ...
Is the Caspian Sea a sea? No question could seem sillier. The Caspian has been called a sea since its discovery and first description in ancient times. The bordering states – Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan – call it a sea in their respective languages. The United ...
Despite the so-called pluri-national and federal dilemmas, this article contributes to the examination of the side effects of "metropolitanisation" by considering three arguments based on geo- economics ("prosperous competitiveness"), geo-politics ("smart devolution"), and geo- democratics ("right...
It is meant to just be about the past and so called withdrawal costs and issues, yet a big chunk of it including the Irish backstop, protected trade names and other issues is about the future trading arrangements and partnership. The UK negotiators should have pointed this out and insisted ...
I think you mean that the standard British accent is called the “Received Pronunciation,” not the “Queen’s English” or “BBC English,” both of which refer to the language. BRADFORD WILLIAM MC EWEN June 2, 2016 5:07 am I take great care to listen to people when they speak… Bo...
Ohmori-san:Well, if a Mega Evolved Pokémon also Dynamaxed, they’d probably be crazy strong, so this time around what we’d really like to see is people playing around with the Dynamax feature and really enjoy that, and see what they can do t...
The choice of China is an excellent one. Their exploding population and desire for influence are easy to project in to global conflict with a United States eager to retain its economic control and quality of life. However, the real brilliance of China’s placement in the Fallout universe is ...