Why is the destruction of the ozone layer dangerous? Why is the ozone layer in the stratosphere? Why are there ozone holes in the stratosphere? Why is the ozone layer important? Why is the ozone layer important to your health? Why is the ozone layer disappearing?
Ozone is a well-known and interesting gas. It is thought of as a "good" gas when present in the stratosphere, where it forms theozone layersitting 15 to 30 kilometres above Earth that protect life from detrimental ultraviolet radiation. But when present in the lowest atmospheric layer – the...
Ozone is the very thick layer that exists in the "Stratosphere", between 10 to 50km above the earths surface. This ozone is created by the action of "Ultraviolet Rays" on the atmospheric Oxygen.The u.v rays splits the oxygen(o2) into two individual oxygen atoms, and th...
Question: Why do air currents heat up near the equator? Air Currents: Air currents refer to any organized motion of air, large or small, horizontal or vertical. Large-scale motions of air are typically due to the pressure gradient force, as air moves from high to low pressure. Small-scale...
Climate change is a pattern that has been and continues to be observed on the earth in which a net increase in the average temperature of the planet is disrupting climate patterns. This disruption is detrimental to all lifeforms, with more species becoming endangered or extinct...
Prime numbers are more than just numbers that can only be divided by themselves and one. They are a mathematical mystery, the secrets of which mathematicians have been trying to uncover ever since Euclid proved that they have no end.
But this is wrong. Contrails can fade away, and contrails can persist and spread. It depends on the air they are formed in. Now there are two main reasons why some planes leave trails and some nearby planes do not. The less common reason is that different planes have different engines....
This process is carried at room temperature. The laser processing affects the properties of the core. Cables and solar cells Silicon is well known as the most commonly used material in solar panels. Along with oxygen, silicon is the most common material in glass and glass fibre cables as well...
It might be about economic privilege, but often it is about symbolic or moral privilege to define what is right and wrong. In the case of selfies, it is about the right to be seen. Selfies give everyone a right to be seen Who has the right to choose to be seen and determine the ...