The purposes of the practice of a religion areto achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to render due worship and obedience to God. Different religions have different understandings of salvation and God. What are the 3 benefits of religion? Religion ...
The Bible is absolutely clear on how important obedience to the Lord is, and I Samuel 15 is an exceptional passage of scripture that details precisely why. The Lord takes great pleasure in those who not only strive daily to understand His word, but more so those who actually do it, and ...
We have failed to provide gospel-centered support for same-sex attracted Christians. As a 43-year-old single manwho did not choose singleness, I know firsthand the challenges of obedience. But there are also blessings, just as marriage involves challenges and blessings. The c...
when he simply receives the imputed obedience of Christ and the forgiveness of sins through faith. ... A human person is not righteous in God's eyes because of his choice or commitment, his good works or his piety, his emotions or intellect. ...
Notice Philip said, “if you believe.” This was what is called “believer’s baptism.” One of the First Steps of Obedience If you have not been baptized since you came to saving faith in Christ, I would encourage you to take that step of obedience. While baptism doesn’t save us (...
It was a sacred spot, and a well known scene of important events in former time and in more recent years. There the kingdom had been established (1 Samuel 11:15), and Saul "had solemnly pledged him and the people to unconditional obedience." There also he had been previously rebuked an...
We learned that in order for us to have obedience to the truths of God in serving Him, we need to seek out that which is in our own natural sinful heartfirst,then we will be able to help others with crucial, proper and acceptable discernment to help them. We know from Proverbs 27:17...
/ I am the LORD your God; walk in My statutes, keep My ordinances, and practice them.1 Samuel 15:22But Samuel declared: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obedience to His voice? Behold, obedience is better than sacrifice, and attentiveness is better...
So while younger priests have some qualms with Pope Francis, the numbers do show filial respect in obedience to the Pope, even if they don’t always agree about everything that he says and does. So what does this mean for the future? Thinking about the data, I’m struck by at least ...
When dealing with dog-to-dog aggression, it is important to listen to our dog. There are many reasons why a dog may act aggressively toward another. He may be afraid. He may be stressed because his space is being violated. He may feel the need to dominate. ...