These four tensions are described in the light of the key terms: 'already' and 'not yet', and some implications for present-day liturgical practices are;pgt;lt;stronggt;How to cite this article:lt;/stronggt; Cilliers , J., 2009, 'Why worship? Revisiting a fundamental ...
No. Now the inquirer is given a sponsor, or “God-parent” and is formally and liturgically “made a catechumen” by the community, coming under the grace of the Church. The rite of “making of a catechumen” is an interesting and spiritually energetic liturgic all of its own, which is...
I suggest that these are two of the most vigorous and drivenessentialistorincantation-basedideological movements of our time.Nostalgic, resentful, and grounded upon unquestionable core liturgical teachings, each is driven by a sense of destiny and contempt for those who disagree. It is vital that ...
Vatican I, for example, states that it is necessary for salvation that men and women not only believe all that is revealed in scripture but also everything which is defined and proposed by the Church as having been divinely revealed. To reject anything taught by the Roman Church is to reje...
Let me be clear, you don’t need religion or a church to do any of those things above, and many people would argue that there is more harm done with religion than good (I think the singular, and extreme view of the world is what causes problems – the interpretation of religion, perh...
The idea here is that the Amish and rural non-Amish are not as far apart as one might think. Both groups share “rural values” in common. This was suggested bya comment by reader Kim H: “Country children are raised with different values than children who are raised in town are. I ...
PAUL VI ON NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS Pope St. Gregory the Great, 590-604: “The holy universal Church teaches that it is not possible to worship God truly except in herand asserts that all who are outside of her will not be saved.”[5] ...
In this article the fundamental liturgical question as to the motive and intention of worship is addressed within the framework of four related liturgical tensions, namely between being and becoming, between time and space, between awe and expression, and between laughter and lament. In order to ...
, Worship as Body Language: Introduction to Christian Worship: An African Orientation (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1997). Google Scholar Van Vliet, Jason , Children of God: The Imago Dei in John Calvin and His Context (G枚ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009). Google Scholar Wosien...
“Energies” of the Holy Spirit, which is accomplished through the the Holy Mysteries of the Church–especially Confession and the Holy Eucharist, the liturgical life, prayer and fasting discipline of the Orthodox Church, and the reading of spiritually profitable books about the Lives of the ...