纽约城市旅客社(The New York City Visitor's Bureau)说, 50年前首先把纽约叫成“大苹果”的是爵士乐手和其他文娱表演人员.那时,他们每天转场到一个城镇.他们把每一个城镇称做树上的一颗苹果.一个演员不能在纽约获得成功,就不能看做是成功演员.这样,他们就把纽约叫做“大苹果”了.【作文示范】Why New York...
如果我们把“大苹果”看做结果的话,给纽约起这个浑名的过程就是其原因。而原因只有一种,那就是爵士乐手和其他娱乐形式的表演者对纽约的描述。所以,我们把这篇文章说成是分析一因一果的说明文。 一因一果说明:为什么把纽约叫做“大苹果”-Why New York Is Called the Big Apple...
A. many people know why New York City is called the Big Apple B. later not only New York City was named the Big Apple but also some other things C. if you go to New York City, you can easily earn money by performing D. many officials described E. ach town and city in America ...
Why New York Is Called the Big Apple The New York City Visitor's Bureau says jazz musicians①and other entertainers② first called New York the Big Apple fifty years ago. At that time jazz musicians earned money by performing in many cities and towns across the United States. They usually ...
他们把每一个城镇称做树上的一颗苹果。一个演员不能在纽约获得成功,就不能看做是成功演员。这样,他们就把纽约叫做“大苹果”了。【作文示范】Why New York Is Called the Big AppleThe New York City Visitor's Bureau says jazz musicians①and other entertainers② first called New York the ...
纽约城市旅客社(The New York City Visitor's Bureau)说, 50年前首先把纽约叫成“大苹果”的是爵士乐手和其他文娱表演人员.那时,他们每天转场到一个城镇.他们把每一个城镇称做树上的一颗苹果.一个演员不能在纽约获得成功,就不能看做是成功演员.这样,他们就把纽约叫做“大苹果”了.【作文示范】Why New York...
Why New York Is Called the Big AppleThe New York City Visitor's Bureau says jazz musicians①and other entertainers② first called New York the Big Apple fifty years ago.At that time jazz musicians earned money by performing in many cities and towns across the United States. They usually ...
D. New York.(C)I wanted to know why my name was Alice and not Mary, Lily or Lucy when I was seven.Mum told me every name was special and important for the owner(拥有者).When I was a child, mum always told me to eat all kinds of fruits every day. So I wanted to know how...
为什么把纽约叫做“大苹果”-WhyNewYo Why New York Is Called the Big Apple The New York City Visitor's Bureau says jazz musicians①and other entertainers②first called New York the Big Apple fifty years ago. At that time jazz musicians earned money by performing in many cities and towns ...
一因一果说明:为什么把纽约叫做“大苹果”-Why New York Is Cal.:为什么把纽约叫做“大苹果”【内容提示】根据下面的内容提示写一篇因果分析型文章:纽约城市旅客社(The New York City Visit