Amid all of this, the day to day life of people in the national capital is severely impacted by the air quality, with an increasing number of people visiting hospitals for breathing issues. Thousands of people in Delhi are signingpetitionsto urge the government to take immediate steps to curb...
Polluted air and steadily rising temperatures are linked to health effects ranging from increased heart attacks and strokes to the spread of infectious diseases and psychological trauma.
He completed his PhD thesis studying fine particulate matter in the air of New Delhi, the world’s most polluted city, before coming to Vancouver two years ago to work on a community science project through UBC called Smell Vancouver, documenting the Lower Mainland’s “smell-scap...
Every single day, you can find a news story somewhere about how bad outdoor air pollution is in places like Mexico City, Seoul, New Delhi, or Beijing—and it truly can be bad, dangerously so. That news story is typically accompanied by a picture of a parent and young ch...
Some employers are also offering expats air filtration systems for their homes as well as extra holiday time so they can visit their families living in less polluted countries; these air filtration systems are now increasingly being seen in restaurants, offices, gyms and expat meeting places. ...