The article discusses the importance of the net neutrality principle to the business sector of India. Topics explored include the equal management of Internet data by governments and Internet service providers under this princ...
Why is net neutrality important? Broadly, when net neutrality is not legally enforced, companies can steer you towards certain apps and websites by blocking or slowing down access to their competitors. This gives them the power to sculpt users' browsing experience and, considering how important th...
socializing or simply blogging your thoughts are conducted over the internet. Net etiquette is a fusion of the internet and good manners in cyberspace. Though nothing is really concrete in cyberspace it is important to bear in mind that the internet involves millions of people. It is like a wo...
Have you heard of net neutrality? Do you know why it should matter to you, not only as a web citizen and consumer, but also as a web professional?
Despite its uneven evolution, net neutrality is seen as largely successful. Its supporters maintain that the concept helps uphold important values, such as the following: Information freedom.Net neutrality promotes free speech and idea sharing. Net neutrality laws will prevent ISPs from getting the po...
That's why the ongoing net neutrality debate is so important. The internet is a a lot of things to a lot of people, but the one universal thing is that it's fair. Your bits are as good as my bits are as good as Google's bits. ...
Who is Ajit Pai, and why did the FCC remove these regulations? Ajit Pai, the current chairman of the FCC, was appointed by President Donald Trump, and is a strong proponent of deregulation. On November 21, Chairman Pailaid out plansto repeal the Obama-era FCC net neutrality rules, and ...
Though you may pay a premium for one of the fastest internet connections your cable provider offers, a lack of net neutrality could cause your iCloud backups and iTunes movie rentals to take hours, rather than minutes. Here's why Apple users, and consume
Net neutrality. Don’t roll your eyes, this is IMPORTANT. President Obama has weighed in on it. The FCC finally passed new rules for it. Senators and congressmen continue to debate it. Comcast hates it. Netflix is all for it. But what IS it?
Over the past couple of months, an issue has arisen that has the whole internet in an outrage. This problem is the repeal of the net neutrality law, under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). While not many have heard of net neutrality unt