The aspect ratio of an image is the ratio of its width to its height. It is commonly expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9. For an x:y aspect ratio, the image is x units wide and y units high.ViaWikipedia The width is always expressed first. So a 16:9 ima...
Not possible, unless you were in full screen of a video or movie. The iPad's screen is square and cannot in any way fill the TV screen. If you go into full screen while watching a movie or other piece of media it may fill it if the media is formatted as such. If you have an...
you can't see it in the screenshot all that well because I struggle to get the Vision Pro to focus on items near the bottom of the screen. I'm still exploring why that is; it could have something to do with the shape of my eyes. ...
Jesus fuckin Christ Apple!!! Jay 4 years ago Once again I am searching for this kind of post, just to find someone that can sympathies with my frustration. Whoever defend for xcode and think it is decent, honestly really good for you man. Sometimes I thought maybe I am just dumb ...
From my experience with many hours in both headsets, the single biggest factor in why Vision Pro feels like it has the better display is simplywhatis shown on the display. It doesn’t matter how much resolving power your lens and display has if the content you’re putting on the display ...
browsers handle page zoom for us, yet there’s adifference between how the UI appearswhen the page is zoomed,depending on whether the default browser size has been adjusted as well. Users do bother to adjust the font display settings in the browser so we need to account for that in our ...
But all that is theoretical. Why does it matter? What can you do with it? So many things. I Won the Popular Vote How about voting? We have tons of problems with voting today that we’ve hedged against in advanced democracies and completely failed to deal with in banana republics, ...
If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section. “Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal the...
Now let’s pause for a second. A year ago, I knew almost nothing about cryonics, and my impressions of it were something like this sentence: Cryonics, or cryogenics, is the morbid process of freezing rich, dead people who can’t accept the concept of death, in the hopes that people fr...
It’s not that easy to track down just where some apps get their weather data from. “What I would suggest is that, if you have an app, ask them where they get their forecasts from or look in the about page and see how they’re getting their forecasts,” said Eric Floehr, founder...