Why is my macbook 2017 15-inch lagging so bad after the 13.6.9 I was on my computer one day and it started to just get glitching and laggy. It doesn't let me watch youtube and use google slides or canva. I also try to do other things but it doesn't work any better. I upd...
弗斯塔德 #shorts IT WAS REALLY LAGGY GUYS 00:20 祖尔金 #shorts IT WAS ALMOST NOT FINE 00:28 泰瑞尔 #shorts HOW TO PLAY FOOLS WITH TYRAEL! 00:32 萨尔#shorts HOW TO CRASH LIGHTNING STACK ON 1 HERO! 00:14 安娜#shorts HOLD THE LINE HERE BOYS! 3v5 IS NO PROBLEM! 00:56 缝...
My advice to any new PvPer is to join a good TS group or join a good PvP guild. Somewhere you can discuss builds and skills to use. I have seen so many players who were PvEers become good PvPers through a little support and help. There's always somewhere to improve. Equally, go ...
I have a big family (8 Sims) in a large home with thousands of objects. Now, my game is extremely laggy and slow. I need to wait half a minute to switch Sims and about 10 seconds to select an object to pop out an option bubble. In order to figure out the bottleneck, I...
Pretty much the ONLY thing everyone has in common who experiences "Desync", is playing on Lagcompensated Server. Are there other factors that can cause laggy games inputlag, sure. But the feeling that you are always 0.5 sec behind the game, that your sprays go no where, that you bullets...
Why is everything so slow and clunky on my mbp2019 16” after a clean Monterey install and boot camp blue screens windows now during install, seriously Apple, I didn’t pay for this. Can I a) have a working Mac or b) get a refund or c) save intel macs it’s so annoying, can...
xCode 12 is utter laggy crap. Apple can fuck themselves up. TT 3 years ago why 'x'code is sucks? 1) they must swift off showing all useless warnings on the left panel. 2) don't change the window panel focus automatically while I'm working, you fuckers of focus. 3) macOS's find...
Subscribe toNintendo LifeonYouTube798k The premier system in the Nintendo Switch family of systems — the Nintendo Switch OLED Model (to give its official name) — is certainly a looker, with a bigger, brighter screen than the standard model. ...
home hub. You might be able to get by without one if you’ve got just a few smart lights or a very simple setup, but if you have more than a handful of connected devices and they’re from multiple manufacturers, you will need a system to manage them. This is where a hub comes ...
Well, I play pvp sometimes (mostly in nonvet), but in general its so laggy and imbalanced that it becomes kinda absurd. Exploits of all kinds are rampant (and ZOS cant even punish CE users), proc oneshot meta isnt fun (and yeah, I tried that myself but didnt find cheesing the game...