If your toddler bites another child, separate the children and make sure they're out of biting distance from each other. If it's an adult, take the child away from the other person. Administer first aid, if necessary. The human mouth is full of bacteria that could cause an infec...
"Parents who don't spank their children still discipline; they just do it in ways that don't involve hitting," says Dr. Gershoff. Although some parents may equate spanking with discipline, Gershoff says the two are not synonymous: "Discipline is teaching; spanking is punishment." The key...
This is true of any toddler, seen out in public, who throws a temper tantrum over not getting his way. Countless parents, frustrated themselves, simply remove the child from making an undesirable scene. The only thing to do for a child of that age is to remove temptation and distract the...
’ persist, sleep science has helped us understand the importance of sleep and the goings-on under cover of night.Dylan Petkus, M.D., tells Sleepopolis that “Sleep is essential because it’s the body’s way of hitting the reset button. He explains that when we sleep, our brain sorts ...
It was a day much like any other. Loud. Stimulating. Demanding. My preschooler didn’t want to go to bed and was whining with a piercing moan. My toddler was proclaiming he wanted more juice at 90 decibels. And my baby needed feeding and was crying with a grating cry only a baby ...
Parenting Resource:Handling Toddler Tantrums 4. Not Acting Immediately to Enforce the Consequence Consequences are effectively only when they are enforced immediately. For every moment you allow to pass, your child is likely to move on and forget the behavior, ...
This isn’t so bad in my direct family as we’re pretty good about saying what we want and then I can just get them that and then a little something (like chocolate) added in. However, I went and married this guy who is one of 7 children. Yup. And they all buy each other ...
The other downside to pickleball is the noise. When you're playing, the sound of the ball hitting the paddle is pleasant. At least the noise doesn't bother you while you're immersed in the action. But if you happen to live near a pickleball court, the sound might drive you nuts. ...
I don’t know that for certain other than that they got married and they have put their house on the market. I don’t think they thought about my feelings when they made this decision. So, since I obviously know what is best for them (that they should live next to me forever) shoul...
This film is near and dear to my heart. Jackie and Annie are an older couple who live on the Isle of Man, just off the coast of Ireland in a little village called Tullymore. It's a fictitious place with only a few people who live there. One of the people in the village won the...