I'd like to introduce myself. My name is and my English name is I'm from a beautiful city in its my pleasure to meet you with all. I'm lucky to have you as my classmates. I like my mother business English because I'm interested in I enjoy doing at weekends. I'd like to know...
A site-specific WordPress plugin allows you to easilyadd custom code snippets to your WordPresswebsite and make sure they are theme-independent. It is a standalone WordPress plugin, which means it doesn’t depend on your theme, and you are free to update or switch your theme. T...
on my master slide were working fine with 9. Now when I select the Preview button in the 2017 version, they aren't showing up. The Title slide (which is just an image) looks fine when I preview, but the other master slides with smart shapes (some used as buttons...
Anyone have a guess why? If you expand the sequence out to 10, it gives this: This is the result for a more direct mapping: =LET(many,LAMBDA(choice,CHOOSE(choice+1,10,"b","harry","c",SEQUENCE(4,1,5),SEQUENCE(3),45,"d","lots","e","ten")),HSTACK(many(1...
C# WPF label font is not changing C# WPF multithreading cannot return the actual value from Dispatcher.BeginInvoke in VS2013 C# WPF Run the Application at Windows Startup ? C# WPF System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException C# WPF UI update is very slow C# XAML - Removing the icon strip from t...
Yesterday I bought the expansion pack Discover University and it's not showing up in my game. On Origin, it says that the pack is purchased and installed, but it's not showing up in my game. I tried to repair the game, but it's still not showing up. I'm really stressed because ...
I want to automate a website but every time I received this error Sub Amatti()Dim GC As New WebDriverGC.Start "chrome", ""GC.Get...
If it's not showing this image, it may be due to the spec of this image is not correct, e.g. size, format, etc. The best size is 1200px x 630px width-to-height You can set the social sharing image in Shopify, scrape it again with Facebook debugger and it will be fine. BYO...
Was this guide helpful for you? Not quite what you're looking for? Get Help Go further Upgrade and unlock features, tools, and expert help with a paid plan. View plans Join the forum Connect and learn with the WordPress.com community. ...
Solved: This page is not compatible with the editor due to one of the following issues: Page is redirecting to an unsupported URL Page failed to load due to an error. When I go into the theme editor a "Your location is set to Canada" pops up. I