Why M&B Bannerlord is still offline? 1 totalflxr 0 GFN - Tech Support getting disconnected on overwatch 2 1 Jonas456 0 GFN - Tech Support How can I cancel my membership? 2 kjkjjej 3 GFN - Tech Support Problem with steam workshop maps in CS2 on GeForce now 1 KoPLLIy...
i keep loosing RP for no reason. watch screenshots attached. I don't think it is a Just VIsual Bug My RP was above 11500 so I thought I could play some games before getting into demotion protection However, After 1 game I lost -113 at D4 rank then I am in Demotion protection ...
(--lia-bs-gray-600)","disabledColor":"var(--lia-bs-gray-600)","focusBorderColor":"var(--lia-bs-primary)","labelMarginBottom":"10px","btnFontSize":"var(--lia-bs-font-size-sm)","focusBoxShadow":"0 0 0 3px hsla(var(--lia-bs-primary-h), var(--lia-bs-primary-s), var(...
Steam name(for what it is worth): atomicphantomblack","body@stringLength":"1161","rawBody":" Everytime I start up my game, it crashes my PC. When I launch the game, after the EAC loading bar, the game tries to connect to the game server. In the middle of ...