A considerable number, if I had to speculate based on my experience. It points to the fact that while people might be jumping over to Telegram, it isn’t their primary messaging app either. “WhatsApp has a recorded 2 billion million active users and is the most used mobile messaging serv...
Firebase app giving 'default firebaseapp is not initialized in this process' error Firebase Cloud Messaging not working on Release mode (FCM) FireBase error Exception occured while processing the request FirebaseApp is not initialized on real devices Firing method in the View when a property in t...
my android emulator is black screen 1.Are there any related error logs on the output window? And will this issue occur on other devices? Try creating a new emulator to test the project. 2.Did you turn on the Hyper-V & HAXM features in the windows? If not, please enable the features...
Hi all, I am working xamarin.forms app and i use ZXing.Net.Mobile to read QR Code. Application is working greate but although i grante camera permission, it is crashing. When i open application again it is working fine.Could you tell me reason please?
my android emulator is black screen 1.Are there any related error logs on the output window? And will this issue occur on other devices? Try creating a new emulator to test the project.2.Did you turn on the Hyper-V & HAXM features in the windows? If not, please enable the features....
Firebase Cloud Messaging not working on Release mode (FCM) FireBase error Exception occured while processing the request FirebaseApp is not initialized on real devices Firing method in the View when a property in the ViewModel changes First WebRequest slow. fix the warning- There was a mismatch ...
Here is the code:::class GetMobileOTPModelDTO { [Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConstructor] public GetMobileOTPModelDTO() { } public int status { get; set; } public string message { get; set; } }Please suggest me about this error.Monday, May 27, 2019 3:25 AMThank...
I'm trying to get a TextCell click inside my ViewModel via Binding. I used this to do it.` public ICommand ItemCommand { get; set; }public MainViewModel () { this.ItemCommand = new Command (this.ItemAction); }private void ItemAction(object sender, EventArgs e) { var menuItem = ...
Can anyone tell me why PropertyChanged value comes null in INotifyPropertyChanged. I have a property and I change its value, but when it enters in NotifyPropertyChanged method the value of PropertyChanged is null. Following is my code :
I been watching tutorials in MVA, but I'm getting bothered, because on the course, his emulator looks like a phone, how can I make mine look like a phone and not look like a forms app. I'm using vs2017 15.3.3, windows 10 pro 1703...