If you are in the process of potty training your puppy, certain behaviors such as peeing inside the house after being outside will leave you scratching your head. The first thing you will ask yourself is “why?” I know I wondered why my puppy was doing this and whether this was some...
Why is My Dog Peeing on My Bed? If a dog is going to pee inside the house, your bed is as good a place as any. There are many reasons why this may be happening, and each case is unique to the dog in question. Let’s take a look at what might be occurring. Latest Videos Is...
However, peeing in the house is often mistaken for “acting out” as a result of emotional issues, when in reality, it is related to one of the causes above. Your dog is likely to show other obvious signs of emotional anxiety before they start peeing in the house. Territory Marking Again...
Signs of cognitive dysfunction (disorientation; pooping and peeing where they know they shouldn’t; change of sleep pattern) “Most pet parents know their dogs well enough to notice the difference between a listening head tilt and one that’s possibly medical-related,” says Stynchula. ...
Question:I have a seven-year-old dog; he is trained on the pee pad. He has been peeing and pooping on the pee pad since we got him at three-month-old. Recently, he started to poop in my bedroom or my sons' bedroom. He has a pee pad in the usual spot all day long. It's ...
I love my puppy, but I am sick as a dog, exhausted, and have to teach tomorrow. I cannot possibly stay up all night and watch him. Is there anything I could do for him if he DOES start having symptoms? Tks! Chris July 5, 2012 6:19 pm I’m sorry but I’ve given chocolate ...