Do you understand my feeling? Do you dread these days as well, or is it only me? Ah, but I do look at the negative, don’t I? Why is it that I don’t look for the good in these moments? Why do I not live in the here-and-now and spend time with family and friends while...
I used to always have faith in God, and I used to pray and be grateful. After the discovery, I lost my faith a bit because I thought, ‘This is not fair that it’s happening to me.’ I had lost my connection with my higher power, with my God. I felt this was so unfair: ‘...
My hair is done, though unwashed. I am doing “things.” I only missed one day of work this month, and I am staying active. I walk or run most days of the week. I am also engaged with my kids, my friends, and my partner. There’s a smile on my face. I laugh loudly and ...
A guy I messaged on a dating site -was on the way to go abroad for work - he was coming from west coast - he suggested to make a stop on the east coast to meet with me. He said he made a few changes to his airplane so he could meet me.. His background is former military...
I’D HAVE HAD BATIN MY HAIRis what, that’s what. Since then, the umbrella has been lying on its side on the deck. I’m way too freaked out to touch it. Great. It probably has a couple of snakes living inside of it now.
Although Jung’s view that Westerners should avoid Eastern self-help methods is shortsighted (in my opinion), he did make an interesting point. We need to keep in mind that,as Westerners, our approach to the spiritual path also needs to be informed by Western methods of healing. ...
The principle of "playing silly games, winning silly prizes" always applies; it's just that for traders and gamblers, this process is sometimes prolonged. So why is this cycle so difficult? 01 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) In the past two major cycles of altcoins, most coins experi...
I decided once I turn 18, I’m going to get a semicolon tattoo. I have thought about self harm but I knew once I did that I would never get back on track. I would have panic attacks daily and have my PTSD trigger which has my depression following right behind it. I would plaster...
Carrie:I have a little problem with my vocal cords. One side is lazier than the other, so this can really help me with breathing. So that’s why I’m here. And I have a love of singing — like I don’t play pickleball. I like to sing. ...
Where is this feeling coming from? What can I do to validate that emotion, to make it okay to allow myself to feel some of it, a little at a time? What would it be like to be less numb? What am I afraid would happen?