t ii - darkest night t ildkugle t ilyn t in my own world t in the shadows t in winter t injustice t insinÖÖri t iroko t iron rain t irrlicht t is that you or is t t isabella t it dies today t its nayz t its so easy t iyi-kÖt t ikobe t jale de jale t jaws ...
Being an easy-going sort of person, however (or at least as easy-going as it is possible to be in a deadline-based business), my first response to his popping up again — and so soon, too — was not to dismiss him as inconsiderate or unprofessional. I intended merely to give him ...
My RFID implant is currently being used to unlock the doors at work, unlock my computer, and there are future plans for it to unlock and lock my car door (in theory, one could also start and turn off the car, though to do so is a bit more complex than locking a car door). ...
Yet today, I am seeing progress toward many of my youthful dreams.And that brings me back to AI. AI is not some kind of radical discontinuity. AI is not the machine from the future that is hostile to human values and will put us all out of work. AI is the next step in the...
The total length of the system is at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/interstate/faq.htm#question3; the information on toll roads is at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/ tollroad.cfm. It may not be coincidental that the German autobahn that informed President Eisenhower's vision of the ...
The Taro Leaf is printed in Leesburg, Florida, and mailed from the Leesburg Post Office. Editor: Tom J. Thiel Printer: Leesburg Printing Company Address: 19147 Park Place Blvd. 3606 Parkway Blvd. City: Eustis, FL 32736 Leesburg, FL 34748 Telephone: 352-357-3943 800-828-3348 Email: the...