And if your partner naturally has a penis with a large corona [head of the penis], be prepared that it’s more likely to, um, take poop out with it. If you're new to anal sex, start slow and gradually. There's no need to go as deep as possible on the first try if you're ...
Why Are You Pooping So Much? 7 Possible Reasons for Smelly Farts Bristol Stool Chart for Healthy Poop Why Does My Pee Smell? Why Drinking Coffee Makes You Poop Why Can’t You Poop? Constipation Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments What To Eat (And Avoid) When Your Stomach Is Upset ...
So, why IS my dog’s poop white? What causes dog poo to turn white Too much calcium One of the most common causes of white poop is a diet that is high in calcium, if your dog’s stools are being released with a white, chalk-like consistency this can be caused by too much ...
Green poop in breastfed babies (particularly “EBF” or exclusively breastfed babies) can be a sign that the baby is getting too much low-calorie, low-fat foremilk (the milk that comes first in a feeding) and not enough hindmilk, which is higher in fat. It could also mean that the ...
Why is my period so heavy this month?! You’ve asked it, so have we. Unfortunately, the answer is decidedly NOT simple: There are dozens of possible causes ranging from stress to fibroids to cancer. If you’re freaking out about the worst-case scenario, don’t worry! Seriously. Heavy ...
So … why do puppies eat poop? Why Is My Puppy Eating Poop? If your puppy consistently ingests stool, talk with your veterinarian. There are many possible reasons for a puppy to eat poop, and knowing if the cause is medical, behavioral, or a combination of both can help you eradicate ...
Why Is My Female Dog’s Private Area Swollen? If your dog’s private area is swollen, she may be in heat. This typically happens one or two times a year and lasts about three weeks. If your dog is fixed, the swelling is likely related to one of the other issues mentioned above and...
Why is my cat pooping outside the litter box? Cats poop in the house for several reasons, including stress, health problems, and litter box concerns. If your cat is suddenly pooping outside the box, or if the behavior continues, it's best to take your cat to the veterinarian so they ...
But Why is a show led by kids. They ask the questions and we find the answers. It’s a big interesting world out there. On But Why, we tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world. Know a kid with a question? Record it with a smartphone. Be ...
What can you do? When home, you can limit the mess by letting your dog out more often. When you’re away, hire someone to let them out, and keep them in a part of the house where cleanup is easy. Pain or arthritis.It may be painful for them to posture to poop (the squatting ...