(where it stays temporarily), then the anus (where it leaves the body). If you don't actually feel like you need to poop, there shouldn't be a huge issue here, as your rectum is probably empty, but it's still possible your partner will encounter some fecal matter with deep ...
Rimming is one way to not hurt her. enough saliva and anal juices will let your cock slide deep into her ass. I’ve had much success with oral, anal foreplay, and my cock penetration deep into her with multiple rope ejaculation. she definitely likes tongue in her ass for before full-...
That’s the hook that I think becomes attractive to people that, wow, you’re giving me a simple, convenient solution from having to go out there and do the monthly maintenance on my litter box. If you’ve ever owned a cat, cat owners are scooping the poop daily. At the end of the...
The first time my puppy did that, I was completely baffled by his behavior. We had just come back inside from a successful potty, and as soon as he was off leash he squatted and peed again in the middle of the carpet. And let me tell you, cleaning up urine stains from a white ...
Felix:Yeah. That makes a lot of sense. outlawsoaps.com. O-U-T-L-A-W-S-O-A-P-S.com is the website. I'll leave you this one last question. What do you think will be your biggest challenge this year? Danielle:Easy. That's an easy, easy question. Scale. How do we create en...
It’s true. Entropia Universe can be expensive. The operative word here is 'can'. It’s totally up to you how much you put into it, and on what items you spend your money. It isn’t always expensive. Some players deposit nothing, ever, and achieve success. Others, like myself, dep...
pulled her panties off and she started to squat down on my hard cock in theAsian cowgirl position. It was that I noticed she had a huge piece of toilet paper stuck in her pubes. Like an entire sheet of two ply. It freaked me the fuck out and was the final straw of the craziness....
As a rule of thumb, if your cat throws up once or twice or infrequently and then goes on to eat normally, play normally, pee and poop normally and shows no signs of ill health then there probably is no reason for concern. If your cat has chronic vomiting. (Chronic means persistent and...
Amber enlists her similarly racist parents (Sonny Bono and Debbie Harry) in a scheme to not only start a race riot at the Von Tussle’s whites-only amusement park, but to have Tracy institutionalized. (She also spreads a rumor that Tracy’s huge hair is hiding swarms of cockroaches.) Am...
This is a huge pain in the bum. I've got this a few times before and I don't understand why. 5 mins ago the repo was fine and working, I move some files around (which is all cool and all) and git poops its pants. Any idea why this happens? How can I fix it apart from ...