yellow stools were due to stercobilin (which is also involved in making poo brown) and other similar compounds, and dark stools due to bilirubin or the presence of meconium.
Should I be worried if my poop is watery? Fast facts onloose stools: A loose stool is a term used to describe stools that are more watery and soft than usual. Occasional diarrhea is not usually a cause for concern. Loose stools can have a range of different causes, but most cases are...
I have lots of friends that are big cat lovers and we saw a need just watching some of my cat friends, what they go through when they’re maintenance of their litter box on a monthly basis and my dad, who actually is the co-founder with me on this, recognized the opportunity and ...
My answer is no, I wouldn't want to live in a cage. And for that matter, I wouldn't want to only be allowed out of my house on a leash either. Most importantly, I wouldn't want to be cast out into the wild and placed against natural selection's rigorous test of fitness, as ...
Lord of the Rings is understated and humble. It doesn’t need to toot its own horn because everyone knows it’s grand: the work speaks for itself. The closest thing my big red book has to this teaser is the “one ring to rule them all” poem, which is an iconic part of the stor...
Still, if you're wondering, Why does my poop smell so bad? you shouldn't simply dismiss the thought and carry on business as usual. A particularly bad odor can sometimes be a sign that something is off with your health. But it's worth stating upfront that stinky poo is not ...
why does my dog poo or pee when i leeve her out in the house at night ??? when i lock her in her cage she dosent poo or pee. so why does s...
"And I know you can make black garlic in it, but I don't recommend using it for rice afterwards," she adds. Q: Should I preheat my rice cooker before cooking? While the whole point of the rice cooker is that it doesn't need preheating, Kim is an ardent fan of pre-soaking the ...
Dogs eating poop is one of the more gross aspects of dog ownership. My friend’s black lab loved to get into the family cat’s litter box for a little snack, and would sometimes nibble on other dogs’ excrement too. Why do dogs do this seemingly bizarre behavior and how can you stop...
My pet peeve, no pun intended, is when dog owners scoop up the dog poo in a little black bag and hang it up on a tree or fence instead of disposing of it properly. I'm with you , and we do get a lot of that here too but it isn't about that. ...