Why is it yellow when I wipe, when my poop is brown? Jude Tisbury, a clinical nurse specialist in gastroenterology and endoscopy, explains: “Poop is sometimes covered in mucus, which is the bowel’s natural lubricant. This can often be stained yellow, which is the yellow we see on the...
“The reality is, when we choose to have anal sex, we choose to put something up our bum, which is where poo comes from," says Allen. "So it’s a risk we take." (Simply put, but so, so true.) If you leak (or more) and you feel embarrassed, remind yourself that sex can ...
Black Poo: 5 things that could be going on 1. You're taking iron supplementsOr anything else that’s rich in iron, for that matter. So, yes, that second serving of Nigella’s Chocolate Guinness Cake could be the culprit. ‘Black poo is most commonly caused by the presence of iron in...
Why is my poop watery and my stomach hurts? Diarrhea affects almost everyone at some point. Abdominal pain or cramping may accompany diarrhea. Some of the most common causes include food sensitivities, bacterial orviral infections, and medication or alcohol use. It may also result from stress or...
My answer is no, I wouldn't want to live in a cage. And for that matter, I wouldn't want to only be allowed out of my house on a leash either. Most importantly, I wouldn't want to be cast out into the wild and placed against natural selection's rigorous test of fitness, as ...
Lord of the Rings is understated and humble. It doesn’t need to toot its own horn because everyone knows it’s grand: the work speaks for itself. The closest thing my big red book has to this teaser is the “one ring to rule them all” poem, which is an iconic part of the stor...
“Oh, my cat would destroy that box in two days. They love to destroy cardboard.” That’s just not true and the reason for that is because cats are very territorial and they’re very dominant. Their litter box is a part of that domain so they’re not going to destroy or tear up...
and the larvae are similar. One of course notes the icky mass that is held over the back. That is a repellant collection of their poo and cast skins, and is called a “fecal shield”. If you want to find golden Tortoise Beetles, look on Morning Glories or on related plants like Bind...
My pet peeve, no pun intended, is when dog owners scoop up the dog poo in a little black bag and hang it up on a tree or fence instead of disposing of it properly. I'm with you , and we do get a lot of that here too but it isn't about that. ...
Is fibre the new protein? How long does it take to digest food? Psychobiotics: the latest frontier in gut health The TLDR on probiotic drinks, plus 6 to try Black poo? Here're 5 possible reasons why Is Tiktok's tadpole water trend good for your gut? The link between emulsifiers and...