Either method will probably work, but your choice of which is best may depend on whether the color pages are included in the same file and your comfort level in Acrobat, if it is available to you. Neither Rob nor I is seeing the border as "grayer" than the woo...
Either method will probably work, but your choice of which is best may depend on whether the color pages are included in the same file and your comfort level in Acrobat, if it is available to you. Neither Rob nor I is seeing the border as "grayer" than the wood...
Either method will probably work, but your choice of which is best may depend on whether the color pages are included in the same file and your comfort level in Acrobat, if it is available to you. Neither Rob nor I is seeing the border as "grayer" than the wood...
Either method will probably work, but your choice of which is best may depend on whether the color pages are included in the same file and your comfort level in Acrobat, if it is available to you. Neither Rob nor I is seeing the border as "grayer" than the wood...
Either method will probably work, but your choice of which is best may depend on whether the color pages are included in the same file and your comfort level in Acrobat, if it is available to you. Neither Rob nor I is seeing the border as "grayer" than the wood...