Why wont my laptop charge and why does the light indicator keep blinking red?: And the night before, the charger actually made weird sounds at the outlet. So maybe there's an issue with the charger? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/why-wont-my-laptop-charge-and-why...
Why is my lenovo ThinkPad not turning on but the power light is blinking? Please my Lenovo Laptop (ThinkPad L470) has stopped working. I successfully shut it down last night only for it not to work this morning, it's not turning on but the power l...
Please my Lenovo Laptop (ThinkPad L470) has stopped working. I successfully shut it down last night only for it not to work this morning, it's not turning on but the power light is blinking (Green). It was fully charged last night, please help me. ...