My Oil is Fine, but the Oil Light is Still On. What Could It Be? The oil light on your dashboard isn’t always from low, leaking, or contaminated oil. If all of the following statements are true, you may have a faulty oil pressure sensor or pump: You have enough oil in your eng...
I have always been extremely embarrassed about my kitchen–mainly because of the mold growing under the sink, which I have been trying to get rid of for many years, albeit unsuccessfully. I finally decided to call a professional mold removal company because I was afraid the mold was making ...
If you start to notice soggy patches of ground in your yard it could mean that your sewer, sprinkler, or water line is leaking underneath. If you smell sewage, it’s likely your sewer line. Sink holes and foundation damage When underground piping has been damaged and goes undetected, your ...
It would be great to know how to put stitches in a wound. The stitches hold the wound together so the body can heal naturally while keeping dirt and germs out of the open sore. Here is where duct tape can truly come in handy. The adhesive makeup of duct tape can help hold the woun...