On WhatsApp, you have a certain time window to delete messages from both sides. Even when you try to remove messages from both sides, the receiving person will indicate that the message is deleted. There are no such limits on Telegram. You can go back to a two-month-old message and de...
system. So this is something that we want to roll out for every new subscriber because we've realized that actually what's most valuable to us is to get people onto the subscription system instead of just buying a one-off product and then possibly disappearing for months or years, you ...
A person dp is public and can be seen by everyone but since yesterday it is not visible only in my phone.Though I can see it in the list and even his last seen.What could be the reason is it technical or something else.bloked cannot be the case bcoz as I said i can see his la...
Seabirds are being devastated by predators, fishing, and climate change. Saving them begins with knowing more about them.
Gmail is not receiving emails on iPhone/Android phone– After checking Gmail’s server status, take a look at its storage to see if it is full. Gmail is not receiving emails from one sender, Outlook, Instagram– It might be that you have reported these senders as spam, thus rendering the...
So this is something that we want to roll out for every new subscriber because we've realized that actually what's most valuable to us is to get people onto the subscription system instead of just buying a one-off product and then possibly disappearing for months or years, you know?
All the clusters we’ve talked about so far come at the beginning of a word, but there are also phonotactic rules about clusters coming at the end of a word. The wordhymn,as in a hymn that you sing in church, has a silent N at the end of it, but like the disappearing-reappearin...
If you delete a message on WhatsApp, you get two options — Delete for me and Delete for everyone. The first one is your regular delete button, which will only delete the message on your phone. Hence, the name Delete for me. It will not unsend or delete messages from the recipient’...
The social media upstart's stock has shed nearly half of its value since going public, but that hasn't discouraged some of its fans.
Every time I talk about Snapchat with my parents, they never understand its appeal. “Don’t you just send pictures? Can’t you do that with Instagram? Is it like Facebook?” My only reply would be, “You just wouldn’t understand,” because I didn’t think the appeal would make se...