According to Pruthi, the most common reason patients have peeling feet is a fungal infection (like athlete's foot)—although they might not always realise it. 'A lot of times it just presents itself as peeling skin and patients don't have the itchiness, so they don't know it's a fun...
Bodily function: The body naturally sheds skin across the body. Unlike many parts of the body, the feet are prone to build-up, which results in skin peeling. Fungal: Fungi enjoy the warm, moist areas provided by the body. Athlete's foot is an example of a fungal condition that results...
they may create several foot problemsbecause they compromise the stability of the ankle and increase the risk of injury.When the foot is positioned downward in heels, tremendous pressure is applied to the plantar (bottom) region of the forefoot. The higher the heel height, the more the pressur...
Minimalism is downright harmful to you, your ambition and your business. I’ll tell you why I believe this in just a moment, but first, let me say that I’ve allowed minimalism to grind my gears for such a long time that I just have to vent. And blogging allows me to rant away. ...
the boob tube before bed (I wrote it myself while wine was injected directly into my bloodstream via my IVino 2.0, patent-still-pending 2018*). It is a Thursdaddy night as I’m writing this, and just to get into the spirit with yew, I’m having myself a glass of adult grape ...
In half an hour of furious hacking, chopping and scraping, the carver, who is from Bali, transforms a three-foot-high block of ice into a bear holding a fish. His usual job? He works in the kitchen, carving vegetables and doing the cheeses. After another great dinner, it’s another ...
Thanks to Jaws, they're the ocean's most iconic and feared fish. But we know surprisingly little about them.
they are killers. Because when you’re doing science that pertains to health and you find something that is really unhealthy, that kills people, and you keep it quiet for ego or whatever, that’s a crime. You have skin in the game there. You have killed people. And how many millions ...
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a novel virus responsible for the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, has infected over 3.5 million people all over the world since the first case was reported from Wuhan, Ch
She smiled, and said: "I know full well, my son, that all you sayis true. I have the advantages you mention, but when I hear eventhe bark of a single dog I feel ready to faint, and fly away asfast as I can." No arguments will give courage to the coward.Page6The Bear and ...