Debian Linux and its derivative (Ubuntu, Mint, etc) have some peculiarities that may prevent your...
It does break the functionality in my case, I do not know why. If I go back to my original code (as seen in the question), then the auto-restarting works again. Here is how I'm killing it: $ kill <pid>. I've tried it several times, I know I'm not killing the shell. –Ed...
We cannot resist the temptation to say that it is "attempting" or "trying" to do something, but it is no more attempting to create an echo or anything else than my dishwasher is motivated to clean the dinner dishes. The entire ChatGPT phenomenon makes me think of Searle's Chinese Room ...
Sync Module is the central hub of a Blink cameras system and if its configurations within the app are not valid anymore, the app will show the module as offline. This can happen due to a network change. To address this problem, re-add the sync module to the Blink app. Launch the Blin...
Why is my mirror broken and theirs isn’t, and why can their mirror detect whether it is broken while mine can’t? Clearly, there has to be some kind of ordering defined on the set of possible experiences and narratives, some way to decide which yield “more” truth and “less” ...
I used to have this recurring dream where I'd walk into a roomful of people, and I'd try not to make eye contact with anyone. Until someone notices me, and I just panic. And the person walks up to me, and says,...
A: This is my friend Ajay. B: How do you know him? A: He was a classmate of mine in high school. B: Are you close? We all know that having friends is important, but why do we form friendships with some people and not others? In some ways, the answer is simple: you become ...
it's not running away from it, it's not trying to avoid it, or not looking at it. I can go through it, I can face it, and I'm going to put it in a more poetic way because that's what I do. What I do is music. It's my pleasure to talk about the realities of being...
Thanks for that info, Travelor ! I'll try to sort through that a bit later. Just keep in mind Audition is the only DAW I have where this seems to be a - 10405660
My solution? Re-install from the ground up. While this is certainly not the most elegant solution in the world, the machine had nothing on it yet (fortunately) and this allows me to solve the problem more quickly and with less frustration, so I can move on to other problems (like ...