Why is my dog peeing blood but acting normally? Sometimes bloody urine is a simple fix, like an uncomplicated UTI. Your dog may feel OK, just like they need to pee a lot. These conditions still need to be treated, but they may not make your dog act differently overall. ...
Why is My Dog Peeing on My Bed? If a dog is going to pee inside the house, your bed is as good a place as any. There are many reasons why this may be happening, and each case is unique to the dog in question. Let’s take a look at what might be occurring. Latest Videos Is...
The reasons why your dog might suddenly start peeing in the house extend from the mundane, such as having had a bit too much (water) to drink, to the serious, such as diabetes. Identifying which cause is at play in your home will require looking at what else is happening with your pup...
Why Is My Older Dog Suddenly Peeing In The House? There are a lot of different reasons your older dog might suddenly start peeing in the house again as they get older. The best thing you can do is talk to your vet to determine the specific cause of your dog’s behavior. Sadly, when...
What Are the Possible Reasons for My Dog Peeing on Other Dogs? Although at first, it may seem that your dog is peeing on other dogs due to a behavioral reason, there may be an underlying health issue. If your dog has never done it before and has now suddenly started or have done it...
Why is my dog suddenly peeing on my bed?Peeing on the bed is more common in puppies and older dogs. With the latter, it may indicate medical issues. For dogs over a year old, it may signal anxiety or fear if they were previously house-trained....
Why is my cat suddenly peeing everywhere? Peeing Everywhere Means Take Your Cat to the Vet This behavior isn't normal, and kitty issignaling that something is wrong. ... The vet will likely check your cat for a urinary tract infection, bladder infection, kidney issues, diabetes, or a few...
Dog pooping and peeing in house.Species: DogBreed: jack russellAge: 3-6 monthswhy does my dog poo or pee when i leeve her out in the house at night ???when i lock her in her cage she dosent poo or pee. so why does she do it when she is not in her cage ???
Your dog walking with their head tilted for prolonged periods Signs of cognitive dysfunction (disorientation; pooping and peeing where they know they shouldn’t; change of sleep pattern) “Most pet parents know their dogs well enough to notice the difference between a listening head tilt and one...
Is my dog anxiety peeing/being naughty, or have I been gone for so long that they actually really really had to go? If it’s the later.. I’m not sure how much training will help. Humans expect each other to go in a 12 hour period, so we should super expect our animals to ha...