Male guinea pig is still intact. This can lead to bad smells when they spray their pee. And while all guinea pigs have grease glands near their bottoms, males usually have more active and greasy ones, leaving behind a musky smell when they drag their bums across things to mark their terri...
My dishes, I mean. What you do with Japanese is your business. About half of life is doing the right stuff. The other half is avoiding the wrong stuff. It reminds me of the ancient Japanese saying: “You’re in the army now, you’re not behind the plow.” So now get out there ...
"We have to look to the future of what we stand to lose," Victoria Brandon said. "One of the things we would lose access to is higher education. The state of California […] resources we need for a viable future would not be there. Creating economic growth by getting rid of economic...
“There is only one path to the restroom from my desk, and I have to walk past everyone, which I get slight anxiety from if I constantly have to pee.” “When I am at work or using public restrooms, I feel like the urge for bowel elimination does not come to me naturally. I am...