Cyberpunk 2077has certainly improved since the game’s disastrous launch, but this win highlights just how divided the game’s fanbase remains. Only you know whether you personally feel the game deserves animosity or absolution. However, it’s hard not to feel that this award is as much abou...
Without kidding ourselves, romance in RPGs is the catalyst between casual and sweaty playthroughs. We don’t know the extent of romance inCyberpunk 2077, but we know that CDPR takes it seriously. By the end ofMass Effect 1andDragon Age: Origins, BioWare became synonymous with vicarious love...
Cyberpunk 2077 was clearly rushed despite all the delays and crunch. They should have just canceled the current generation port if they couldn’t make one properly, even on PC; these issues are still present. This game is definitely undercooked. Many of my friends bought it on PC and droppe...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately then you have probably heard that the anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed yet again, even after supposedly going gold, and will now be launching even later than what was expected after the previous couple of delays. To those who follow ...
The mastermind behind the highly respected Cyberpunk series is a man by the name of Mike Pondsmith. His series had humble beginnings as a tabletop RPG way back in the 80s. To turn his franchise into a video game he approached countless studios in order to make it happen. However, CD Proj...
I remember recommending Tom's restaurant(not exactly)Nice daily shot! She look so cute like that 💕🎀🙏👍😄 4cyberpunk2077 member 28 kudos 09 February 2025, 2:03AM Lmao! He sure is!!! XDI want a yummy pizza T_TThank you! ista3 premium 1,144 kudos 09 February 2025...
Now, GOG is probably not going to try to emulate Epic’s business model either. CDPR is not going to launch Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam and Epic only to suddenly start paying for exclusives. But that doesn’t mean GOG isn’t going to change. ...
Not only that, but Amatangelo also states that CD Projekt Red's entire board of directors have expressed "humility and willingness to change," giving the studio the liberty to take as much time and resources as they need in order to avoid a repeat ofCyberpunk 2077's mistakes. With a seem...
prevent rushing the title out for release before it is ready. When a delay occurs, it is often done to work on lingering issues or to take extra time to fine-tune the project.Cyberpunk 2077saw three full delaysleading up to its release in an effort to elevate the quality of the title...
“CD Projekt Red won’t let that happen again,” once again luring folks into a false sense of security. The truth is, regardless of whether Cyberpunk 2077 was broken or not, the excitement was too overwhelming for the game to not be a success. Everyone wanted Cyberpunk; bu...