Are you observing a flashing orange light on your AirPods case? There are several methods to troubleshoot this, including the steps outlined here.
why is my airpod case flashing orange I charge my airpods but my left one has no sound. the case is flashing orange. then when i take the right airpod out of the case the light turns green Posted on Feb 20, 2024 5:52 PM Me too Reply Similar...
為什麼 SA3200D 上的 HA STATUS LED 一直閃爍橘燈? 我們重視您的隱私 我們透過收集 Cookie 來提供給您個人化的網站體驗。這包括我們用於廣告和網站分析的第三方Cookie。請查看我們的隱私權聲明與Cookie 政策以了解有關我們如何收集與使用資料的更多資訊。