especially when social media is constantly asking for birthdates, making us feel like our lives are pinned on a corkboard for everyone to see. Honestly, I’ve had my fair share of age fibbing—like that one time I shaved off a couple of years to get into a club’s "under 30" nigh...
Anybody on the early team questioned, "Maybe this is not the right thing to do." Danielle: Oh, my gosh. For five years. Yeah. It's been a very, very weird road. For five years I really felt like, "Maybe this isn't the idea that I thought it was." We'd get super amazing ...
Anybody on the early team questioned, "Maybe this is not the right thing to do." Danielle: Oh, my gosh. For five years. Yeah. It's been a very, very weird road. For five years I really felt like, "Maybe this isn't the idea that I thought it was." We'd get super amazing ...
Anybody on the early team questioned, "Maybe this is not the right thing to do." Danielle: Oh, my gosh. For five years. Yeah. It's been a very, very weird road. For five years I really felt like, "Maybe this isn't the idea that I thought it was." We'd get super amazing ...
Danielle:One of the reasons that I was very confident in starting this business is because I knew I could write my way through practically anything and if there's one skill that I have, it's being about to be a very strong writer. I used to be the editor of my school newspaper. I...
This Wedding Accessories Company Uses Style Quizzes to Convert Customers The Growth Framework That Helped Brooklinen Build a $10 Million Business Sometimes Solving Your Own Problem Can Also Make You $184K The Signs of a Highly Giftable Product (And How This Trio Doubled Down) ...
Danielle:Today, how our strategy has changed since January is I actually hired an agency. Once I realized the lifetime customer value was so powerful, I decided this is too important for me to be screwing around with. This is not where I want my time to be spent. I want to spend my...
Danielle:So the more we listen to our customers saying things like, "Now that I know you exist, I'm never using anything else." That is a real business validation. I wish I had listened to that with my heart a little bit more in the early days. It was hard. ...
Danielle:I started looking around to see if there were other things that would meet that need for me. After finding that there's some candles and stuff like that but nothing really in the personal care. How powerful scent is and I started chatting with my friends about it. Actually, my ...