Experiencing a black screen on your phone? Learn why is my phone screen black, what causes the black screen of death, and how to fix and prevent it easily.
Charging issues can be stressful, especially if you need to use your phone extensively. Get the answer to “Why won’t my phone charge?” with our guide!
Hardware Problems:Another reason why your phone keep turning off or restarting is malfunctioning hardware components, such as a faulty power button, cracked screen, or electronic circuit, can cause restarts. How to Stop My Android Phone from Restarting? Now, you know why it’s restarting, let’...
IfMotion Launchoptions are already selected but your phone is not responding to your gestures, see the possible causes below. There was no motion gesture before the finger gesture. Make sure to lift the phone first before doing the finger gesture. Length of swiping was too short...
IfMotion Launchoptions are already selected but your phone is not responding to your gestures, see the possible causes below. There was no motion gesture before the finger gesture. Make sure to lift the phone first before doing the finger gesture. ...
If your phone storage is full or almost full, performance issues can follow, including freezing and restarting. This happens because your OS will often use spare storage to save temporary files required to run apps. When you’re running low, apps might not run as smoothly, and sometimes the...
How to fix my Wi-Fi connection on Android First, check if the Wi-Fi connection is working on another device. Then, try connecting to another network. If you can connect to the Wi-Fi with someone else’s phone or tablet, it’s likely a network issue. If you can connect to another ...
How To Fix A Phone That Won't Download Apps Solution 1: Restart Your Device If you have downloaded apps before without any problems and this is the first time you have encountered an issue with your Android device when downloading apps from Google Play, then restarting the device can be ...
Part 1: Why is My Flashlight Not Working on Android/Samsung? Reasons Here Why is my phone flashlight not working is a common question of users. To know why is my flashlight not working on my phone, you should know the reasons why this problem occurs. There are many causes of this flash...
Why Is My Android Phone Not Turning on? The reasons behind this issue may differ from the models of Android devices. However, generally speaking, your phone not turning on issue mainly results from the following cases: Access to Sleep Mode ...