“I don’t really know where I am. I know I’m not sure who you are or what’s going on, or something has changed in my environment.” So if we can play a piece of music that suddenly connects you with your personal identity that is deeply familiar, that triggers a...
It has the most obnoxious beeping noise -- 它发出最令人讨厌的哔哔声—— think: worse than a fire alarm -- 想想:比火警更糟糕 for when my blood sugar is low. ——因为我的血糖很低。 And when that alarm goes off in the middle of the night, 当那个闹钟在半夜响起时, I would kill for ...
Most likely, the PC is experiencing a major hardware failure -- this is especially true if the CapsLock key is blinking or there is beeping.Since the PC is a desktop, this HP thread describes the different blink and beep codes: https://support.hp.com/us-e...
Second person point of view is when you tell the story from the perspective of someone else– the reader. It's like being a fly on the wall as someone else experiences something. You're not in their head, but rather observing and narrating their actions and feelings from outside of them...
Poems using personification are very moving, in my opinion. When someone is composing poetry, they really have to make the most of their words, because it's best not to cram too many words into one line. Even with free verse, less is more. Personification helps the writer make sound, po...
Most likely, the PC is experiencing a major hardware failure -- this is especially true if the CapsLock key is blinking or there is beeping.Since the PC is a desktop, this HP thread describes the different blink and beep codes: https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/...