Why is my face greasy all of a sudden? Oily skin can abruptly appear at any time or age. Potentialcauses may be stress, insufficient hydration, an overly sweet diet or an intense skin cleaning routine. Other potential causes for sudden onsets of oily skin may also be hormonal disorders, su...
Why is my face breaking out all of a sudden? Sudden acne breakouts can be because of numerous reasons, includinghormonal changesor hormonal imbalance, an unhealthy diet including lots of deep fried and junk food, release of cortisol hormones because of excessive stress, excessive production of seb...
One fruit in particular - the coconut - is so abundant in its healing properties it's referred to as "the tree of life." And before World War II, people living in island countries, like the Philippines, consumed a diet that consisted mainly of rice, root crops, vegetables and an abundan...
Benefits: Why Do You Need A Prenatal Vitamin? Taking high-quality prenatal vitamins helps you meet your body’s increased demand for nutrients to keep you and your baby healthy. The increased amount of these essential nutrients in your body helps promote fetal development, including healthy growth...
This is the main reason I try to not only focus on my daughter’s beauty. While she is indeed beautiful, she is so many other wonderful things. She’s smart as a whip, has a memory that baffles both her father and I, she’s musical, imaginative, and curious about how things work....
I killed myself. Not literally. But I killed the person I used to be. I flipped my life and set myself up for whatever you want to call me now. I got a job. I got two, well a couple more than two depending on how you want to look at it. I figured with money comes power;...
Scabs on dogs' backs are common. I can say that from my personal experience and from what our vet has told me.And they are typically easy to treat too!But before we go into the treatment, knowing the cause first and foremost is important.Here's the first common reason why your dog ...
Sometimes, an injury to the skin on your ear can cause what's called a keloid -- a thick, dense patch of scar tissue. You could get it for several reasons, such as after an ear piercing, tattoo, bugbite, burn, bad scratch, or acne. While not harmful, keloids can be really itchy...
**Hi all, if you enjoy the article below, please check out my videos on in depth skin care topics Understanding the most common factors that may be causing your breakouts is the first and most critical step to targeting your acne at its source, and thus
Increased hair loss during this time of stress and upheaval is a common issue for women, myself included. During the first two weeks of lockdown in NYC where our careers, family life and any sense of normalcy was turned on end, my hair started falling out like crazy. ...