Second, if misinformation has reached the point at which it requires debunking, be sure to stress the facts rather than simply fanning the flames. Refer to experts and trusted sources, and use the "truth sandwich," in which you state the truth, and then the misinformation, and finally restat...
In a joint statement, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube have pledged to work together to combat misinformation.
This is a battle between trust and doubt. Viruses spread fast, but what travels even faster is people's fear. Humans easily fall prey to misinformation and distrust. People already have begun to turn against each other and doubt government, even scientists. It is no longer easy to be ration...
Facebook outlined its plans and strategy to combat fake news and misinformation, but the effort is likely to flop because new hires, machine learning and artificial intelligence can only do so much. After all, we humans just love the comfort of our filter bubbles. And Facebook is designed ...
Harris also struggled to counter another Trump-era trend: a torrent of misinformation unprecedented in modern U.S. elections. An avalanche of misrepresentations and falsehoods about her record was spread by the former president and amplified on right-wing websites and...
can be difficult to read and understand, and argue that health articles that are too difficult for the public to digest may cause misinformation to spread and fuel public panic. Furthermore, while national policies may benefit from a summary from experts on the subject, it is to be supposed ...
It teaches the skills to combat misinformation The emergence of the global pandemic was succeeded bywidespreadmisinformation. The impact of the interaction of these two events also supports the need for formal institutions. Critical thinking skillscan sort the wheat from the chaff, but it is often ...
If the world is to get rapid access to large volumes of vaccine to combat a new infection in the next pandemic, we will need mRNA vaccines — that is, assuming the platform works for the new pandemic virus. But given the persistent denigration of mRNA, people may shy ...
AFTER THE 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, THERE WAS A lot of finger-pointing, and many of those fingers pointed at Facebook, arguing that its newsfeed algorithms played a major role in spreading misinformation and magnifying polarization.False stories claiming that Pope Francis had endorsed ...
Scott said, “The liberal media has done a better job of spreading misinformation than any candidate I’ve seen so far.” He said the media hasn’t focused on the assassination attempts and instead zero in on Kamala Harris calling Trump a fascist. Bash clarified that CNN did “w...