Macis good, mostly visually, but you must take it “as it is.” For some, it is enough… but not for me. I want choice. Windows, especially 11, is such a pain in the a–. It is hard to say, but Windows 2000 was the last usable Windows system (okay, I admit, XP and 7 al...
"The Beatles: Get Back" is eight hours long, but it doesn't feel like it. What it feels like, rather, is a Twitch stream that's being broadcast from the 1960s. Only instead of a gamer working their way towards their first set of diamond armor in "Minecraft," it's one of the ...
The real question is how often should you change your routine. I think some mag suggest you change more often than you need. In the end YOU need to decide how often YOU need to change. Constantly look at yourself in the mirror, if you get to a point you feel your muscles are not ...
While this was happening, someone working on a hot tub was blamed for the fire, but neighbors said the fire did not start there, then that story disappeared! It is important to remember what was going on at the time: Politicians: Politicians race to San Bruno PG&E diverted safety money ...