Oh the richness of knowing, experiencing and enjoying serving Christ. This life is not about us….it is about serving a creator with praise and glorifying a savior who gave everything for those who love Him. Have we ever loved that much? Do we give us our anxieties, bitterness, sorrows,...
Matt’s Insight: Microsoft Cloud App Security is a multi-purpose tool, with many capabilities that we will get deeper into with each blog. Afterall, that is the intent of the MCAS Ninja Blog Series, to dive deep into everything MCAS! A key feature is tha...
buybacks as a lucrative means of taking advantage of the jump in share price following the share buyback announcement to personally cash out of the shares: “It’s one thing for a corporate board and top executives to decide that a buyback is the right thing to do with the company’s ...
As the user did not have a valid reason why this is. You start digging deeper. So they found out the profile sync was out of sync. Why this is is to much to remediate -> so solution is to scratch the profile and rebuild it. Then you see in the MCAS the user is...
Why the B-2 Bomber Is Such a Badass Plane Pop Mech Pro Why the X-Wing Is Such a Badass Spaceplane Why the F-4 Phantom Is Such a Badass Plane Pop Mech Pro How the B-29 Modernized the U.S. Air Force Pop Mech Pro Why the F-15 Is Such a Badass Plane ...
thing for a corporate board and top executives to decide that a buyback is the right thing to do with the company’s capital. It’s another for them to use that decision as an opportunity to pocket some cash at the expense of the shareholders they have a dut...
especially in a highly regulated environment.For a situation like this you no longer need to setup a costly infrastructure and wait for days. Today with the power of cloud, Office 365 SaaS service such as MCAS and DLP and on Azure IP or Microsoft IP can be enabled in your...
Goodevening, We started with CAS last week and I noticed that one user (our director) has a very high upload in the dashboard investigate users. When I click on it, the high volume comes from Exchange but our director is not emailing much in the last week (299 mails se...