C 文章前面提到善良对健康有益,接着说根据 Mayo Clinic 的观点,当我们做善事时,大脑中的愉快中枢被激活,释放减压激素,定期做志愿者的人生活满意度更高。这都是在表明善良带来的积极影响,所以提到 Mayo Clinic 是为了展示善良的积极效果,而不是强调善良的重要性(A 选项)、解释善良的原因(B 选项)或者评估当前的...
According to the Mayo Clinic, “When your state of mind is generally optimistic, you’re better able to handle everyday stress in a more constructive way. That ability may contribute to the widely observed health benefits of positive thinking.” Third, we need an upgrade in political dialogue ...
But in recent years, some researchers have called some bipolar diagnoses into question, while others have maintained that the number of people with the disorder, which causes severe swings in energy levels and mood, is actually greater.
A subject that I have been considering and eager to learn more about lately is plant based diets, and the health benefits that may or may not be associated with them, so I’ve decided to choose an article for critique that broaches the subject, and it is called, “Why Go Veg?” The...
UAA, UAG, and UAG are stop codons, so called because they signal the end of protein synthesis. The remaining 61 codons represent amino acids. The strange thing is that there are only twenty different amino acids. Why have 61 codons for only 20 amino acids? Why have three different stop ...
This phenomenon is called as food coma. No, one does not literally goes into a coma but it will certainly seem like an individual is about to enter into one. Is Food coma real? Food coma, or in medical terms “Postprandial somnolence” is a real scientific phenomenon. There are physio...
“Sleep is something the brain needs,” Pelayo explains. Our brains run on electricity, which means the chemical energy the brain uses to function has waste products (called metabolites) that need to get cleaned out. That’s what happens during sleep, Pelayo says. The brain flushes out that...
SAN FRANCISCO — A Mayo Clinic study is shedding light on why some rheumatoid arthritis patients respond poorly when treated with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, part of a class of drugs call biologics. It comes down to proteins: specifically, a protein in the body that drives inflammation in...
In theory, artificial intelligence should be great at helping out. “Our job is pattern recognition,” says Andrew Norgan, a pathologist and medical director of the Mayo Clinic’s digital pathology platform. “We look at the slide and we gather pieces of information that have been proven to ...
“Mental health is really wrapped pretty tightly up with nicotine addiction,” she added. “The biggest reason why people relapse and start smoking again or chewing again is because something bad happens in their life, you know, they have some new stress or somebody dies or they lost their ...