but also noted that “high parity is not considered to be a risk factor for pregnancy-related complications” in wealthier countries, due in large part to the presence of “antenatal care, skillful medical practitioners and
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I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked why it is that the Woke won’t seem to have a debate or discussion about their views, and I’ve been meaning to write something about it for ages, probably a year at this point. Surely you’ll have noticed that they don’t tend...
NMT systems are of especial interest when bias is considered since their bi-text training data consists of millions of human-produced semantically equivalent sentences: English: Now, however, he is to go before the courts once more German: Nun ist es aber so, daß er wieder angeklagt ...
But we do not live in a level playing field.People are biased. People are always biased. People will likely continue being biased.Even chatbots sometimes turn out to be racist. It is frankly astonishing that it’s even necessary to convince people that after several hundred (or several thous...
It's not quite Meta's Tay moment. Recall that in 2016, Microsoft launched a chatbot called Tay on Twitter—then shut it down 16 hours later when Twitter users turned it into a racist, homophobic sexbot. But Meta’s handling of Galactica smacks of the same naivete. ...
*In his NYT op-ed, John McWhorter, never afraid to be heterodox, asks and answers the question, “Is musicology racist?” I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that misicology, which is simply the study of music, should be accused of structural racism and whiteness, but of course McWhorter...
A combination of multicultural and social justice education can help students see the trouble with implicit racism and how even though they are not doing anything actively racist, they are still benefiting from a legacy of racism. Calling the cops to say that “an African American man is threate...
Republicans do not care if Trump touches women because Republicans are sexist uneducated racist manual-labor high-school drop-outs that still believe that women should give in to men regardless as spelled out in their Bible. The world is getting weird. I like Philippines especially in its remote...
Actually, that question didn’t motivate this new course at Barnard’s chemistry department, for it’s taken for granted from the outset that the Barnard Chemistry Department is systemically racist, and the course was designed to get rid of it. ...