Your mother and I are sorting through some issues, and I'm not a perfect huaband, and maybe Brad won't be either, but love is always a risk, and I know it's easy to think this is never going to last, so why don't I end it now, but...the chance for love doesn't come ar...
Colorado recently reported that these marijuana ads were asking for kids to try their product. Many accidents happen when you start smoking pot. This is a very dangerous drug and no one should have access to it. When using this drug, especially when you are growing it on a farm, ...
5 Easy Tips To Help You Spot Marijuana in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy "Spooky season" is upon us, which means we're all picking out costumes, hanging up decorations, and getting ready for the biggest excuse to eat as much candy as we can before our dentist calls it a crime against th...
The legalization of marijuana is highly beneficial to the United States government because it will save the government billions of dollars. According to Jeffrey Minron a Harvard economist “If marijuana were legalized, the government would save $7.7 billion dollars annually in law enforcement costs, ...
Whether parents should be licensed before they can have kids? Whether it is morally permissible to eat meat? Whether recreational marijuana should be legalized? What is the meaning of life? Would it surprise you to know that philosophers have answers toallthese questions and to nearly any other...
Well, and they said that some of them didn’t work for them. They always tried this, but it didn’t really work. And then they were looking at a cut of the marijuana revenue, which kind of made me laugh. But, you know, this was CAC kicking the...
Overall, research shows that taking any drugs while the brain is still in development is bad for you. But the truth is, we don’t know yet how unhealthy marijuana is. We need more funding for research, which is hard to get while marijuana remains illegal. We can put what we know into...
Every year my wife and I do our best to buy local candy for Easter, even though are kids are now in their 20s. We - or The Easter Bunny - has been getting them the solid chocolate bunny from Nora's since they were old enough to eat chocolate. ...
Think logically. Marijuana is mala prohibita (bad because it is prohibited) and not mala en se (bad in itself). There are many factors that everyone overlooks. Yes, you may be able to smoke pot more readily, but you will actually be doing a lot more for your country than you think....
They get medicinal marijuana to relax, sometimes a bit of pot brownies and filtered water. Why would you consider giving your animals anything less than you would ingest yourself? THAT is cruel. A Disgruntled Brit July 23, 2014 3:38 am There’s so many idiots in these comments. Conspiracy...