Why is pluralism important in a democracy? Why is oligarchy the most common form of government? Why does communism lead to dictatorship? Why is voting an important responsibility in a representative democracy? Why is North Korea considered an oligarchy?
democracyequalityjudgesjudicial reviewmajority rulevotingCourts, like the US Supreme Court, make important decisions about rights by voting and often the decision is determined by a bare majority. But the principle of majority-decision (MD) for courts has not been much reflected on. What justifies ...
According to the U.S. Department of State, the democratic style of government -- adopted by the United States in 1776 -- has six basic characteristics:established popular sovereignty, majority rule, individual rights, free and open elections, citizen involvement and open compromise. What do you ...
Democracy creates empathy between people. Empathy is essential in accepting political defeat and avoiding the tyranny of the majority, where winners and losers alike understand that people with other ideas have valid reasons for their positions and may in fact have the right ideas to meet the probl...
As has often been noted, “majority rule” in the political sense does not exist in the way it is presented by the dominant institutions of Western so-called “democracies.” The Western public’s resistance to criticism of “democracy” is, therefore, r
Why is the Electoral College important? Why is the legislative branch bicameral? Why was the 17th Amendment created? Are the people represented in a constitutional monarchy? Define limited monarchy Who governs a direct monarchy? How is a representative democracy similar to a constitutional monarchy?
appears to be prima facie. As an example we can consider the provincial government in KP province governing the province for the last ten years with a two third majority. What more chance does democracy need to prove itself here. Is the performance of the government appreciable by any ...
Why is the United States a Constitutional Republic? Democracy: The idea for democracy went back to the Ancient Greeks, and in a true democracy, all decisions are made by the citizens, regardless of the matter. Even the Greeks did not have a completely true democracy, because the city-states...
A quarter of a century on, Indonesia matters once again. It is the world’s largest Muslimmajority state, its thirdbiggest democracy and its fourthmostpopulous country. With 276m people spread across thousands of islands that stretch from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, it is...
He did not want to miss the opportunity, he was satified with it.