From a design perspective, the Mac has classically been better at rendering fonts. Whether or not that’s still an issue today is up for debate. But in the past, Microsoft and Apple took somewhat different approaches to how they chose to render fonts, and it made a pretty big impression ...
To the average smartphone user, the single-core performance is the most important of the two. Since it is quite hard to create programs that can benefit from multiple cores running together, most everyday apps will only really run in a single-core way. M4 iPad Pro tops the single-core pi...
Enable MAC filtering 2. Device Security Firewall Configuration Check firewall status Review blocked connections Configure exceptions Update rules Antivirus Impact Verify network access Check security settings Temporary disable for testing Update software ISP-Related Solutions 1. Service Status Verification Chec...
Get it for PC, Android 2. Detect & kill demanding processes If your Mac is slowing down or getting hot, a demanding process could be the cause. Here’s how to detect and stop a demanding process and speed up your Mac: Click Go in your macOS menu bar, choose Utilities, and select ...
honestly the M1 macbook air is a no brainer for music production. you can get it under 1000 coins; it’s powerful enough for most people and it’s a very good value even compared to windows pc. You can get M2/M1 pro if you want but the value plummets fast. As for mac vs pc ...
privacy. In a world where all devices all pretty much do the same thing, Apple’s leverage with its new tablet has less to do with what it can do and more to do with what students do with it. And it’s an area where Apple is poised to lead the conversation, both in and out of...
Unresponsive applications.When Mac apps freeze, crash, or otherwise stop working correctly, they guzzle energy and memory as your Mac attempts to resolve the error. Too many browser tabs open.Each browser tab you keep open is a drain on your MacBook’s resources that can overload the system...
ZDNET don't work as intended yet.Geekbenchwas among the few that did, earning a score of 14,564, placing the processor above the M3 MacBook Air but below the M3 MacBook Pro. While thissuggeststhe new Surface Pro is better than Apple's hardware, it's hard to say wi...
Even though I have a Mac Mini, I never used it as much as I liked to because there are a lot of things about macOS that bother me as a Windows user
macOS is not up to date. Your internet connection is slow. There’s a problem with cached files. You have lots of tabs open, and they are using CPU resources and RAM. Tip If you want to check whether Chrome is using lots of resources on your Mac, go to Applications > Utilities and...