Why was Christopher Columbus's exploration important? Why is Christopher Columbus important to history? Why is Leif Erikson day on October 9? Why is Hernan Cortes important? Why did Leif Erikson decide to go to Greenland? Why is Christopher Columbus famous?
Why was Columbus important to world history? Why did Christopher Columbus come to the Caribbean? Why did Bartolome de las Casas explore the Americas? Why is the Treaty of Tordesillas important to U.S. history? Why did Leif Ericson explore North America?
Why did Portugal begin to explore the coasts of South America and Africa in the 1400s? Age of Exploration: Portugal was one of the major colonizing powers of the world. Some of the areas it colonized are Brazil, Angola, Mozambique and Macau. It was also one of the f...
Why was Christopher Columbus's exploration important? Why were Sojourner Truth and Frederick Douglass effective abolitionist speakers? Why is William McKinley important? Why was Leif Ericson important? Why is Booker T. Washington important to black history?
Why is Leif Erikson important? Why are the Mayans important to history? Why was the caravel important? Why is Carthage important? Why is lacrosse important to the Haudenosaunee Confederacy? Why was irrigation important in Mesopotamia? Why was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham important?
Why did Leif Ericson name the new land Vinland? Why was Leif Erikson famous? Why did Christopher Columbus become an explorer? Why is Leif Erikson important? Why did Christopher Columbus sail to the New World? Why is Leif Erikson remembered and studied?
Why is the Strait of Magellan important? Why did Hernan Cortes explore? Why was Leif Ericson important? Why is Ferdinand Magellan important in world history? Why was Columbus important to world history? Why did Christopher Columbus explore America?
Why is Christopher Columbus important to history? Why was Leif Ericson important? Why did Henry Hudson explore America? Why was Leif Erikson called Leif the Lucky? Why do we celebrate Columbus Day instead of Leif Erikson Day in the U.S.?
Why is Barack Obama important to history? Why Ernest Hemingway is important? Why is Henry VIII important to history? Why did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence? Why is Leif Erikson important? Explain why Benjamin Franklin was so significant to the Revolutionary War and the shap...
Why was Leif Erikson famous? Why is Lindisfarne monastery significant to Viking history? Why is Leif Erikson important? Why was Erik the Red exiled? Why were the Vikings important in the Middle Ages? Why did Erik the Red explore? Why was Leif Ericson important?