Kristi Jobson毕业于哈佛学院(Harvard College)和哈佛法学院(Harvard Law School),现任负责招生工作的助理院长(Assistant Dean for Admissions)。相信她的解答绝对是最权威、最有说服力的! 哈佛法学院负责招生工作的助理院长Kristi Jobson的建议 每年的这个时候,我们都会收到申请人的问题,询问他们如何能在申请材料中表达...
”Al Pacino答曰:“因为法律最接近生活,它是特权的通行证,它是新的圣职。”
最常见的情况是,法学院可能通过一篇补充申请论文来问这个问题,有时被称为“Why XX Law School Essay”或者“Optional Essay/Statement”。一些学校可能通过一个简短的回答提示,要求申请者在个人陈述中回答这个问题。“Why XX Law School”也是一个常见的面试问题。通过这个问题,法学院表示:“我们也是独特的。你为什么...
“Why XX Law School”的重点不在于使用空泛的赞美之词写到天花乱坠、感天动地的程度,而是向法学院体现出你的诚意,以及展示你对于就读XX法学院和未来具有清晰的规划。通过研究并确定一所法学院的独特优势与你的个性或兴趣相匹配的几个具体要点,真诚...
Why Law School Is A Waste Of Money Unless You Get Into A Top SchoolSara SilversteinAlex Kuzoian
那么,基本每所法学院会抛出的灵魂一问,Why This Law School Essay? 当申请法学院时,我们绕不开一个问题,许多人也会被难住:为什么要申请这所法学院? 最常见的是,法学院可能会通过补充申请esssy来问这个问题,有时被称为“为什么是某某法学院...
For law students. Students. Classmates. First name terms. To know somebody well enough to call them by their first name. You will listen to a passage about how to use first names. Last names and titles tick. The dressing forms in common is that I mentioned in the preface and match ...
has only two, one of which has two campuses. overshadowed by their larger neighbors, these states have attractive legal markets of their own. looking beyond job markets law school is a hard three years. entry-level law jobs can feel even tougher. whether you are in your 20's or an older...
Whether this is right, and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall, is hard to determine with any precision—which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 That's why school reform ...
Today’sNYThad avery interesting articleasking Is Law School a Losing Game? The article left out one important fact, though, that might help explain why people still go to law school. Here it is: Unlike the private sector as a whole, legal services has actually added jobs over the past 10...