所属专辑:超级三字经 | 闹闹别闹·爆笑国学启蒙 | 宝宝巴士故事 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 29.90 喜点 喜欢下载分享 听友251183542 whypoliniujinxzenglposjiziywsmingzposjinongwzrongypohouminsc 2023-054 回复@听友251183542 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 听友64252774 闹闹不喜欢王静静和他的名字有什么关系? 20...
Turkish people often pull on one earlobe and knock on wood twice to ward off a jinx. Italians, meanwhile, say the phrase “touch iron” when trying to avoid tempting fate. HISTORY Vault: Ultimate Secrets of Luck Are some people luckier than others? Through a series of stories we'll ...
FOOTBALL: Kewell Why Am I Such a Jinx ? after Five Managers in Fours Seasons , Harry Believes He Has to Start over Yet AgainByline: ANDY HUNTER Chief Football Writer on tour with the RedsDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
As for one of his favorite voice talents in the film, Pratt called out Jackson, of course, as well as aTed Lassostar. "Hannah Waddinghamis awesome," he raved. "She can reallysing, sing. She's got an amazing voice and what she does is -- Jinx is the sort of the ...
Because a truly perfect crime is one that neither we nor the police know about. Ideally, even the victim shouldn't know about the fact of the crime - if it was, let's say, a theft. Otherwise, it would be as perfect a crime as the Patriots' 2007 season was perfect. The same one...
纽约灾星/The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst 这纪录片我去年看到一半嫌节奏太慢没看完,今天又一口气重头刷完一遍。第三集转折最为精彩,一场精心设计的降维打击的谋杀,我还是挺赞同纽约时报的主编...
For some visitors, it's this hi-jinx, rather than the Beatles themselves, that's brought them to Abbey Road. Nicola from Florence, says he's here"to see the stripes." Are he and his friends fans of the Fab Four? "No, no, no," he says, "not our favourite but I like it. My...
whynotjinx 2025年01月15日 19:08 · 投稿了视频 02:33 【MV】『 蒼の音階 』【涼海ネモ/774inc.】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dta27KjGpJs 原视频标题:涼海ネモ『 蒼の音階 』 -Official Music Video- 日期:2025/01/15 YouTube频道 Nemo Channel / 涼海ネモ【ななしいんく】 https:/...
whynotjinx 2025年01月19日 14:13 · 投稿了视频 09:36 【绝区零】角色鉴赏之这游戏真令我欢喜【龍ヶ崎リン/774inc.】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iha9mnIZFrU 原视频标题:【ゼンゼロ】推し鑑賞で限界化してしまう龍ヶ崎リン【龍ヶ崎リン _ ななしいんく】日期:2025/01/19 YouTube频道...