All else being equal a weaker currency should cause inflation pressure, as foreign goods are now more expensive for local consumers/companies to purchase. Indeed, in its simplest terms, inflation is the decline in value of a currency. The flip side of prices generally rising is that your ...
such as japan, taiwan, and india, to... unlocking the potential of china’s a-share market may 2024 at value partners, we believe that the best way to invest in china is through an actively managed total-return approach that favours stable,... value partners latest view...
So like for example, just the other day we had what certainly looks and smells but has not been totally confirmed as an official intervention to strengthen the yen, the Japanese yen, because the dollar has just been monstering the yen for like months and months. And it got to like really...
Is the Indian rupee getting weaker or is the US dollar getting stronger? Why is China trying to keep the value of its currency from rising? What would be the impact on the Chinese economy, Chinese workers, and Chinese consumers if the yuan were t...
“Over the past few months, world steel consumption growth has moderated, and economic growth in 2011 is assumed to be weaker in China and major OECD economies,” the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics said in its latest quarterly report, published Tuesday. ...
I’d view Japan’s political Westernisation before World War Two was window-dressing. There was a Japanese parliament, but it never fought the Emperor’s government in the way that all European parliaments had fought their monarchs on occasion. It was never really in command, and quietly let...