The author talks about state of refugees in Canada, who were generally considered moocher by public but did not fully agree with this. He supported his views by referring Canadian Professor, Morton Beiser's study of their integration into Canadian society. The author cited the example of Germany...
As humanitarian subjects, refugees are institutionally silenced, depoliticized and dehistoricized as a result of the bureaucratic violence of refugee camps and migrant detention centres. As Marguerite Nguyen and Catherine Fung put it in their introduction to "Refugee Cultures: Forty Years after the ...
“Trudeau says we are all in this together, that is unless you are a trucker; or unless you are unwilling to accept a medical procedure. A Bureaucratic Oligarchy is developing in our country where gov’t employees are guaranteed paychecks, but citizens in the private sector are losing their ...
I like to think that my own company’s mission, “changing the world by spreading the knowledge of innovators,” is also such a goal. Nick Hanauer likes to say, “Solve the biggest problem you can.”Pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off ...
Zionism’s second big lie was in its explanation of how the Palestinian refugee problem was created. According to it, the 700,000 Arabs who became refugees left their homelandvoluntarily, in response to a call from Arab leaders for them to leave a clear field of fire for the in...
I’d respond,“Once they can FEEL it, as inspiration, they’ll want nothing else.” ‘Yellows’ feel it. They want it. Autocrats desperately need to shut down that inspiration. The autocrat’s worst nightmare is masses of Filipinos awakening to the idea that they don’t have to be down...
It is just a time-sink with no enjoyment and I think that I could have speedrun a Kuat instead of this. Maybe the problem with PVP is that there are rewards attached to it to begin with... While unsubbed these last few months I only did my 10 free weeklies on lowbies / midbies...
While the rest of this section will be primarily be devoted to defined- benefit pension plans, it is important to note that the trend toward defined-contribution private pension plans has increasingly transferred...
There is no doubt that Rolf paid dearly for his dealings with Germany during the war. A fine of 5,000 kroner—now equivalent to about 100,000 kroner or 11,500 U.S. dollars—was what stung him least. The loss of income from patent rights was considerably.
Contractor argues that the coronavirus outbreak only had temporary effects on the global economy, and that post COVID-19 globalization will resume. We posi